Monday, July 12, 2010

Blood Transfusion

Mallani had to get a blood transfusion today and because her hematocrit was low. The is the reason she has the hep-lock on her right hand. I took the camera to the hospital tonight because I think she has gained weight since we took the last pictures and I wanted to show off her chubby cheeks.


  1. Lauren,
    I love those chubby cheeks!! I can tell that she has gained weight by looking at the different pictures you have posted. Madeline looks forward to playing with Mallani one day!
    Keep up the blog posts so I can see her progress. I emailed Alison for an update last week.

    Leslie Penix

  2. I'm so jealous of all her hair! My Josie is 8 months old now and doesn't have nearly that much. Go Mallaini!
