Monday, July 12, 2010

Weight Gain

Last night, Mallani gained 4 ounces. She now weighs 1 lb 15 oz, one ounce away from 2 llbs. She recently was losing weight and I was getting worried, but the doctors say that is normal and they will continue to fluctuate. I had already been to the hospital twice yesterday, so Jim went by himself and I was super excited to hear that she had gained weight. The more weight she gains, the sooner she gets to come home. Also, the doctors changed her food because she wasn't digesting it right, so hopefully this will also help with her weight gain. This past weekend my sister and my Mom came to help finish working on her room. Also, we took some pictures of Alison and Andrew at the NICU visiting Mallani. There are also some pictures that I found on my computer of all of the flowers that people sent Mallani when she was born. They were absolutely beautiful! Thanks everyone =)


  1. Always glad to hear good news! Praying for all of you - so proud of your stregnth and cannot wait for you to be able to take this little angel home!

  2. Yay Mallani! You keep growing, baby girl! Can't wait to meet you in person. I love you already!
